
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nick Jonas must die.

Yes, I know there are a million people who think this way, and even post long winded, pointless blog posts about this topic.

I am one of them.

Actually, I never actually hated any of the Jonas Brothers until now. I didn't like or listen to there music, but I never hated them. When I first heard their whiny little voices on the family channel from one of their songs, I never hated them. When I heard that they were a trio of spoiled rich brothers, who were completely untalented who just so happened to pick up a guitar, bass and drumsticks, put together a few simple rythyms, and sing some lyrics their daddy paid someone talented to come up with, I didn't hate them. When I heard they came out with their own TV show featuring their daily lives(?) I didn't hate them. When I heard Nick Jonas whining on the family channel about his "Other Dream" and how he didn't have a good enough life being in probably one of the most known bands of this generation, and how he also wanted to be an actor, I didn't hate them. Even though I highly looked down upon the fact that they didn't write their own stuff, they just sat on their hands while someone did it for them, I have to wonder where their thumbs were.

No, the hate came much, much later. In fact it was just yesterday when I was reading an interview that the Toronto Star did with my faveourite band; Kings of Leon. The interview initiall perked my couriosity because I was led to believe that it would reveal the release date of their new CD. Alas, it did not. But I'm glad I read it, because as I got near the end, I saw a question asking the bands opinion about a certain Nick Jonas and other pop stars who have covered one of their hit songs Use Somebody I was immediatly shocked and angered upon finding out about this treachery! I furiously managed to hit the letters on my keyboard despite the pounding it was taking from my hands. I got there and immediatly searched for the presumed horror that I had just heard of. I clicked on it, and it wasn't horrible. was much, much worse the horrible. It was like all of my nightmares came to life just to terrorize my with the birth of Nick Jonas.

For those of you who have been forunate enough to not see this monstrosity, I envy you. But if for some reason you want to see it, its on Youtube, just type in Nick Jonas covers Use Somebody, I'd link it here, but my Blogger is being weird...may god have mercy on your poor souls.

Yes, he also covered fireflies. Why? To Piss us all off.

THATS IT! I've figured it out! Nick Jonas be trollin!

I wish. Nope, he legitimatly thinks that we want to listen to him butcher our faveourite songs. I have gone from not knowing about this bad, to knowing about this band and not liking their music, but being perfectly fine with their existence, to feeling that this band is a bunch of retarded spoiled, selfish, bitchy children, to LOATHING the very existence of Nick Jonas.

Yes troll! I BE MAD, VERY MAD.

Why Nick Jonas? wasn't plagueing the family channel(What? I enjoy the family channel.), the internet and the radio not good enough? You really needed to make my life that much worse by not only forcing every girl who doesn't know what puberty is to probably find my blog, then telling me to burn in a hellish fire for the rest of my life, but also DISGRACE the best band that ever happened to music by doing this?

You will pay sir. If not by my hand, then by the hand of the gods of music...or...karma.

Yes yes ladies, I know what you're about to say. We've heard it before. "OMFG UR A HATER!! HE'S SO HOT HOW COULD YOU HATE HIM!!". While I wouldn't know if this is true or not, although just by looking at him, it makes me giggle because some people just have it rough in terms of charisma, being attractive doesn't not procure one the right to live. "WELL, UR JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE HES FAMOUS AND UR NOT!!!" Nope, trust me, I am quite happy just being the regular old shmoe I am. I'd rather make my life more meaningful by working from the bottem in life, and making my way to the top (Although, I have been blessed with a pretty nice foundation), rather then have everything I'll ever need handed to me in my teen years. Besides, I couldn't handle being famous. I hate the majority of people. I'd snap in my first few seconds of fame. "WELL....WELL....UR JUST GAY AND A FAGGOT LULULULULS HATERRRRR!!!!!". Hmm, nope.

Jonas Brothers! I challenge you to write your own songs! Show a shred of creativity! Try to appeal to a fanbase that isn't under the age of 12, can think for itself and doesn't think that the baby stork delivered them to their mommy and daddy. Show us intelligent people why you deserve you're fame, show us that you aren't worthless talentless teenage fluke stars. Because in my opinion (which I am allowed to state), you are nothing but the worst thing that has ever been heard over speakers.

And for God's sake, do not try to cover anything thats actually good, ever again.

Also my guild is doing pretty good:D (mood swing), we've only been together a few weeks and have already downed half of ICC. Yeah, its not that great, but we are still pugging quite a few spots, but have almost filled our core group, so soon we shall be at the Lich King! Stay tuned for more WoW related blog posts! stay frosty!

1 comment:

Lebtimus Prime said...

Those pre-teens should stfu if they see this and don't like it:P They don't know what they talkin' about with their tiny uneducated minds:P

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