
Thursday, May 27, 2010



Yes yes, I know, it has been too, too long blogger.

I wish I could tell you I've been somewhere cool, like on vacation or something. But the truth is I have been right here the whole time. Lame I know. Sorry for being away for so long, I've just been busy with a number of things. For one, I have a new found love for PvP. I've started to gear my warrior a little bit in hopes of being able to soon make a 2 vs 2 team with the talented Cyphilly (Cyphale...I know, original huh?:P) also I have been playing a few other video games lately, such as, one of my old faveourites Legend of the Dragoon. This game is pretty old, its for PlayStation 1. However, no matter how old, or how bad the dialogue, or how many plot holes it has, its still an awesome game, it always has been and always will be one of my faveourites, and it is a true classic. The other one I have been playing is of course Alan Wake (see earlier May post for more details) and yes, it is awesome. Is it Heavy Rain material? I'm not sure yet, I will have to wait until after I beat it, which should be soon, to let you know.

I wish I could say all I have been doing is just screwing around and being too lazy to post, but in truth not everything has been all good. My guild which I had come to love just called it quits as far as raiding goes until Cataclysms release. This is for a number of reasons, some of them are more personal matters, but the main one is that people just weren't showing up and performing. They would show up Tuesday for the first 5 or 6 bosses for 25 man Icecrown Citadel, but then they wouldn't show up for the continuation the next day. Same issue for the 10 mans. I have been told this is because in Wrath of the Lich King, people have the mindset of wanting gear and wanting it now. They don't want wipes, failures or loot going to someone else. The WotLK mindset is a greedy one. And this was causing the people who were not like this too become unhappy with simply downing 6 bosses, and began to want more. And the guild leader was just not up to dealing with this all, to be fair, he is quite the busy person to be juggling a raiding guild on the side of everything, so I will give him that. So to say the least, there has been quite a bit of guild drama going on lately.

Anywho, today me and my real life friends made our own raiding guild called Anguish. We will be a casual raiding guild. And if you are on my realm (Anub'Arak) and you are interested in helping us get our guild on its feet, we are recruiting for our core 10 man group.

So that is what has been going on in Amorianth land. Sorry for not posting in a long time. But I am back, and will continue to bring you epically entertaining posts! So stay frosty WoWNation!

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