
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moar Tanks Plox???

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

You innocently think "Hey, I'll log onto my hunter and do the daily heroic" only to queue and see that you have about a fifteen minute wait for one heroic. You get bored after about two minutes then decide to go to something else. Although some people might blame blizzard for this, I do not. I blame the WoW community.

As a person who plays both a DPS and a Tanking class, I could be a bit biased, but I don feel it unfair and in all honesty, a bit cheated when I log onto my Paladin and queue for a heroic knowing I'm making some DPS Death Knight out there very happy. Then when I log onto my Mage trying to do the daily, I get no where near the same effect. No I'm not stupid; I don't expect it, but it still sucks, and don't act like you don't think so.

If your a DPS, you have to expect a long queue, even for healers, sometimes the wait is up to Five minutes for healers. Which leads me to ask, why? What is so god awful about tanking that such a low percentage of the WoW population does it? You find healers and DPS everywhere you turn, but tanks are rarer then nobody dying on The Dance. But Why? I mean I love tanking on my Paladin, I mean sure I get bored of the same heroics over and over, but the concept of tanking is just fun to me. And other tanks I've talked to have said the same thing. It's just fun, so why doesn't everyone try it?

Maybe people are just to scared to try it. Everyone who tanks knows what mean. When you first start out and you lose aggro and wipe the group, you see your chat bar fill up with comments such as "WTF TANK!!!! FAILS!!! L2 PLAY YOU F***ING NOOB!!! OMFG U SUCK" and various other insulting phrases. Another thing that could be is now with the random dungeon queue, a lot of people use it strictly for they're frost emblem dailies, and they just want to get it over with so every time you stop for two seconds you see "GOGOGOGOGOGO TANK!". My friend and a funny joke for this situation that went something like this: Buddy, if you're sitting in the back seat of you're friends car, and you yell 'GOGOGOGOGO!" at every red light, you're gonna figure out you'll be walking pretty damn quick. I love this joke because I find it to be so true. I can understand that people want their daily done now, but for the love of all that is holy, give the tank a break guys.

I think these could be some main reasons why people don't tank, is because this happens to them and they get discouraged, so they stop. Another reason I think is because people simply don't try for whatever reason, then bitch about longer queue times like I am now, except I pay my dues. If you're a retribution Paladin, why don't you roll on tanking gear for an OS? instead of just being a dime a dozen DPS, give tanking a try and see at least if you like it. I can guarantee, if everyone did what I did, there would be plenty more tanks out there, not to sound egotistical, but I think most people would agree with me. If you have a healing offspec even, thats helpful too, I realize some people just cannot tank, I have the same problem with healing, it's you pure DPS Paladins and Death Knights out there that I'm talking to.

To quote my friend again "It doesn't work if there is just one smart person, if everyone else had tanking off specs, and everyone who could queued for both DPS and tanking, you would not always instantly be forced to tank, and everyone would have an instant queue." So if you're bored, why not give it a try? You may even find you like it. And for all you dicks out there that do what I've mentioned above, Knock that shit off, or don't queue. Amorianth out! Stay frosty!


Cyphale said...

I'm a DPS DK with no OS ... Does this make me a dick?:P

Amorianth said...

You don't even have a DPS spec, You're PvP xD. Plus you have a Holy Paladin with 5.5k GS, don't be silly:P

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